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  Members Area Upgraded
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:48 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Following feedback from our customers, we have now upgraded our member’s area with new features and new ones on the way.

New Features


This is a project management system. If you have requested extra work to be carried out on your site from software modification to changing text on a page, they will all be listed here. Each project request will have there own unique project number, open date, start date and completion date with status and any supporting files will be attached to your project number. You will also be able to add manual requests from the member’s area/

DNS Updating

After 6 months development work we have now integrated our own in house software which links into our Unix and Windows servers, where you will now be able to update name servers, transfer your domain names to another isp, and change the IPS TAG in real time. You will also be able to see all your history associated with each domain name.

Transfer Security

Transfer(s) will only be allowed though our member’s area, as a unique transfer code will be issued to you from here. An email will then be sent, to your reregistered email address with instructions. Please make sure your details are correct before submitting a transfer request. If a response is not received within 48 hours, the request will automatically be cancelled and the domain name transfer will be put hold for 7 Days before you be allowed to submit another transfer request.

Invoice History

You find all your invoices listed here for your account in pdf format.

Order new products

You will be able to purchase new products, from domain names to new hosting accounts.

Coming Soon

  • e-mail history
  • Quotation history

Note: If you have not received a username & password, please get in contact with us at support@vwdesigns.co.uk


If you have any comments on how we can improve our services to you or how we can improve the member’s area, please send us an email at support@vwdesigns.co.uk

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  Webmail - Upgraded
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:46 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

Our webmail has now been upgraded to included the most ask about features from our customers.

New Features

  • Calendar
  • Notes
  • To Do List
  • Support Form


If you have any comments on how we can improve our services to you or how we can improve the webmail, please send us an email at support@vwdesigns.co.uk

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  eShop Retail V7 and V7 Trade
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:45 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Following customer feed back we have incorporated new features into eShop.

eShop Retail V7 & eShop Trade V7

Bug Fixes

  • Security vulnerability - These have been fixed
  • Admin Login
  • Contact us page
  • security - open redirectors used by spammers
  • clients can purchase products no longer on the database
PHP & MySQL Upgrade - These have been fixed.

The above issues have now been upgraded on all eshop versions, who are currently hosting with us. This upgrade hasbeen done between the 30/01/2006 and 1/02/2006.

New Features
  • Master Password
  • RMA Returns System
  • Extra product Feilds
  • Extra customer Feilds
  • Batch Emailing
  • Customer Referal Scheme
  • Create offer codes to give discounts on orders
  • Ability to restrict areas of administration and actions to certain accounts
  • Global product price changes
  • Set maximum and minimum quantities that can be ordered for individual products attributes
  • Create templates for labels.

New Reports
  • More payment methods
  • More Shipping methods
  • Supplier System:
  • Assign suppliers to products along with supplier product codes
  • Automatically email suppliers for drop-shipping of orders
  • Set when you want supplier emails to be sent (you don't have to send emails to all suppliers, this is selectable).
  • Send newsletters to sub-sets of your full mailing list, e.g. only those with a certain account type
  • PDF File Uploads

New and Improved Features
  • Email and postal type gift certificates supported

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  Email Support System
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:44 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Support Desk system. The new page may be accessed at http://www.vwdesigns.co.uk/support and not only allows you to send support requests to us, but also to track the status of requests, view their history and read our replies. The new support desk will allow us to provide an even better customer support experience to you, however you can continue to communicate with us through all other channels including email, our web site, telephone and fax.

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  Search Engine Optimisation
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:43 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

The internet is a crowded and competitive marketplace with literally billions of websites competing with each other for people’s attention. To make the most of your website’s potential you need to have the best possible rankings on the all major search engines. It doesn’t matter how good your website looks, how impressive the ordering process is or how easy it is to navigate, if people do not know about it, they can’t use it.

Although you can submit your site yourself, manual submissions have limited effectiveness and due to the sheer scale of the task involved it restricts the level of exposure to only a small handful of search engines. With Submit Xtra you benefit from effective and comprehensive search engine optimisation software designed to give your website the competitive edge.

This service will be lanuched on the 5/02/2006

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  Website Language Translations
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:42 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Virtual Web Designs now provides the most professional language translation services at a competitive price. We can translate into over 170 languages. Using only translators who speak there mother tongue.

We now offer the following translation services:

Website Translations
Documents Translations
Technical Specifications

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  Companies Act Regulations as of January 1st 2007
Posted by: webnetics - 30-09-07, 12:40 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Under Government Legislation introduced on 1st January 2007 companies in the UK must include certain regulatory information on their Websites and in the Email footers.

Failure to do so is a breach of the Companies Act 1985, and you could be liable to a substantial fine for authorising the issuance of a non-compliant document.

Companies to update websites and email footers before 2007 Companies in the UK must include certain regulatory information on their websites and in their email footers before 1 January 2007 or they will breach the Companies Act and risk a fine.

As a result of an update to the legislation of 1985, every company should list its company registration number, place of registration, and registered office address on its website. The information, which must be in legible characters, should also appear on order forms and in emails. Such information is already required on "business letters" but the duty is being extended to websites, order forms and electronic documents.

The information is likely to appear in the footer of every email sent from a company, to avoid having to decide whether each email amounts to a "business letter" or not. Many companies do this already because the term "business letters" was thought likely to include emails even without this new clarification.

For websites, contrary to the fears of some, the specified information does not need to appear on every page. Again, many websites will already list the required information, perhaps on their "About us" or "Legal info" pages.

Information that must be on your website

The following is the minimum information that must be on any company’s website:

The name, geographic address and email address of the service provider. The name of the organisation with which the customer is contracting must be given. This might differ from the trading name. Any such difference should be explained – e.g. "XYZ.com is the trading name of XYZ Enterprises Limited."

It is not sufficient to include a ´contact us´ form without also providing an email address and geographic address somewhere easily accessible on the site. A PO Box is unlikely to suffice as a geographic address; but a registered office address would. If the business is a company, the registered office address must be included.

If a company, the company’s registration number should be given and, under the Companies Act, the place of registration should be stated (e.g. "XYZ Enterprises Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 1234567")

If the business is a member of a trade or professional association, membership details, including any registration number, should be provided.

If the business has a VAT number, it should be stated – even if the website is not being used for ecommerce transactions.

Prices on the website must be clear and unambiguous. Also, state whether prices are inclusive of tax and delivery costs.

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