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  Leased Software – eShop B2B XL5
Posted by: webnetics - 24-05-10, 02:49 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Virtual Web Designs are now offering additional leased software, starting with eShop PRO XL5 and eShop B2B XL5

Leasing software has become the preferred method for businesses of all sizes looking for an effective method of budgeting software solutions. If the software is going to help your business save money or make more of it, Virtual Web Designs will help you.

We are currently offering:

eShop PRO XL5 as leased software, for only £ 10.00 per month
eShop B2B XL5 as leased software, for only £ 15.00 per month

What are the Benefits of Leasing?

• Fixed monthly payments for the life of the lease
• Improve cash flow and preserve working capital
• Expense the software rather than capitalising and depreciating over a longer period
• Leasing payments can be fully tax-deductible
• Flexible payments
• Better budgeting controls
• No commitment fees
• No additional charges

What you get…

• Install Software & Setup eShop PRO*
• Latest Version of eShop PRO XL5 or eShop B2B XL5
• Software Licence for 1 Domain Name
• Domain Name - .co.uk (2 Years) or a .com (1 Year)
• eShop PRO XL5 or eShop B2B XL5 Software (Full Version)
• Hosting & email account (eCommerce) – See our hosting page for full details.
• Personal 128 Bit SSL i.e https://www.yourname.com
• Lifetime support
• Lifetime Software upgrades
• No minimum contract term
• Full Template Control, you have complete control over your shop from design to email templates, etc.
• Full Manual online
• Control Panel - Client Management System
• FREE Lifetime membership to ‘YourLocalPages.biz’
• A demo can also be arranged, if required.


Leasing for only £ 10.00 per month or £15 per month and a *one-off setup fee £ 49.99, No minimum term.

Total cost £ 69.99, then £ 10.00 per month or £ 15 per month, your can your shop up and running in 24 hours.


To Design a bespoke template for your shop will start from £ 100.00, or you can design your own template.

Personal 128 Bit SSL

With a Personal SSL your site will be accessed securely via its own domain name i.e. https://www.yourdomainname.com. A static IP address with its own secure server is configured for your site and up to 256 Bit SSL certificate registered for your organisation and installed upon it. After 1 year your personal SSL will have to be re-registered, this is already included in the monthly price.

Domain Names

All domain names are registered to you for two years or 1 year; once the domain name has been registered you will then become the legal owner (NOT VIRTUAL WEB DESIGNS). After 1 year or 2 years these will then have to be re-registered, this is already included in the monthly price.

All prices included VAT

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  eShop B2B XL5 v1.0 – Released
Posted by: webnetics - 24-05-10, 02:45 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

After months of development to make the most robust and feature-rich eShop system even better, Virtual Web Designs are proud to announce a new release eShop B2B XL5

eShop B2B XL5 is a major new release to the eShop range of eCommerce software, and addresses a number of key issues, adds a lot of new functionality, and further increases the power of eShop range of software.

See below for a full list of improvements and additions to eShop B2B.


• All the features of eShop PRO XL5
• Customer Discount Groups
• Full Contents Management System
• New improved download manager
• Members approval system updated
• Set different price levels for customers
• Suppliers System
• Recommend Retail Price field
• Multi Product Shipping
• PDF Invoices
• Log admin actives
• Log user actives
• Log internal keyword searches
• Log External Searches
• Customer Discount
• Next / Previous Links on products pages
• Call for price option
• Admin Login as customer
• QuickBooks Export
• Batch Order Updates
• Batch Printing for invoices and packing slips
• Reports – Profit margins against sales and suppliers costs
• Google Checkout
• Amazon Payment
• Security Issues - SQL injection closed
• eShop has now been upgraded to support PHP 5.3.X
• Customer Edit Page - Now includes all information fields, including the new "voucher" entries.
• “Free Shipping" logic enhancements
• Admin Home Page content modules
• Admin Session Length control
• Admin Menus - Redesigned
• Admin Language Editor clean-up
• Purchase without an account
• Image Upload into folders
• VVC Configuration (on/off and settings)
• Email Verification (on/off and settings)
• Product Sort enhancement
• Voucher Redemption enhancements
• SMTP mail server option
• Admin URL return after login
• Shop URL return after login
• Price Formatter update (general enhancements)
• Admin Template section and header clean-up
• Full Contents Management System
• One-Page Checkout
• Newsletter Filter Criteria expanded
• Recover Abandoned Baskets
• Product Info Tabs
• Return Products System
• Product Listing blurbs
• Quantity Price Break
• Improved Export / Import System
• FAQ System
• Article System
• Events System
• Multi Products Manager
• Shop by Price
• Encrypt & Decrypt System
• Google Feed System
• Google Analytics
• Google Sitemap
• Survey / Poll System

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  Server Upgrade
Posted by: webnetics - 25-01-10, 08:07 AM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

All server(s) have now been upgraded with the following:

PHP 5.2.10 to PHP 5.2.12

Subosin has also been added to the PHP for extra protection.

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  Sold - Mil-Tech Computer Systems Ltd (Virtual Web Designs)
Posted by: webnetics - 19-12-09, 08:16 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Dear Valued Customer,

We would like to inform all of our customers as of the 14/12/2009 Mil-Tech Computer Systems Ltd, has now been sold with it's all related internet businesses and all it’s associated trading names to Webnetics UK Ltd. Who will be taking over on the 1/01/2010. All websites associated with Mil-Tech Computer Systems Ltd. have now been updated to show Webnetics UK Ltd as the new owner.

There will be no change in your terms & conditions.

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  Power Maintenance – Sunday 6th Dec 2009
Posted by: webnetics - 05-12-09, 06:24 AM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

The facility engineering team will be conducting power maintenance beginning at 02:00 GMT lasting until 06:00 on Sunday 6th Dec 2009.

Scope of work: Functional test of the new equipment installed during the maintenance on the 4th Dec 2009.

The commercial supply will be disconnected in a controlled manner by power engineers. This work will ensure the correct operation of the breakers in the Low Voltage equipment in switching the power source on to the Generators. A full risk assessment has been carried out and as an additional precaution; manufacturers will be onsite along with our data-centre engineers.

Outage: We do not anticipate any downtime during this testing.

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  Network Power Failure
Posted by: webnetics - 27-11-09, 08:26 AM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

Dear Valued Customer,

At approximately 16:48 GMT the Stratford, London facility lost mains power from the power grid.

The time-line of events is as follows:

16:48 - Power to site lost - running on UPS.
17:15 - UPS systems depleted, generators failed to start
17:30 - Generators failovers failed to function despite multiple attempts - The power engineers were dispatched.18:32 - The power engineers arrived on site.
18:54 - The power engineer estimates 30-45 minutes to return power to site.
19:16 - The power was returned to site and the process of booting up each rack commenced.
19:35 - All racks powered up and brought on-line.

The last twenty-four hours have seen numerous power grid blips but the system as designed have taken the load with the UPS battery backup and generators keeping the facility live, ensuring an un-interrupted service.

Yesterday however, at 16:48 a failure in the control boards prevented the generators from powering the facility once the power from the grid failed, a manual bypass was installed to get the facility on-line.

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  Important Information - VAT
Posted by: webnetics - 16-07-09, 01:57 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

From the 13th July 2009, we will be VAT registered. All Invoices, which have been issued before this date, will not be subject to VAT. All invoices issued after the 13thJuly will be subject to VAT.

Under VAT regulations, we will have to charge VAT, but cannot show this on our invoices until we have received our VAT certificate. Once we have received our VAT number, we will then re-issue a new VAT invoice, to those customers who are VAT registered and will be able to claim back their VAT.

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Posted by: webnetics - 05-07-09, 12:01 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Virtual Web Designs will be releasing our own Source Control System within the next 8 weeks.

VrSourceControl was developed from CVS and SubVersion to help us track our own projects, documents, source-code and images because we found that these existing systems were difficult to install or overly complicated. We specifically didn't want concurrent editing of files, and wanted a web-based system written in PHP and uses MySQL as the database, which was easy to manage. So we developed VrSourceControl.

VrSourceControl General Features

· Store Text & Binary Files.
· Multi-User
· Check-In / Check-Out - File locking by user.
· Text Files Stored in Full or as Different versions
· Compress Binaries with gzip.
· PHP Code Highlighting.
· PHP code is given coloured highlighting when viewing the file.
· Full History Versioning. - Go back to any previous version - of any file or project.
· HTTP Up/Download: Get/Put Zips. Upload or Get whole projects, sets of files, or individual files as Zip files from your browser.
· Project Tree View.
· Search. Find files with matching names, content and more...
· Online File Editing. Edit files online (in your working directory) with a text editor.
· Output Macros. Include meta info in output source files (File name, path, version, project version). Macros are automatically reverted when checking code in.
· File Branching. Store multiple versions of the same file.
· File-Level User Access. Define which users can access which files or directories individually.
· Project Build Options Include different sets of files in different builds

Features to be incorporated

· Full Bug Tracking System
· Re-design user interface for public use
· Full System Backup
· Full Reporting System

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  Protx & Worldpay – New Modular
Posted by: webnetics - 25-04-09, 12:07 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

We would like to inform all our customers who are currently using eShop PRO & VrShop PRO. We have now released an updated payment modular for Protx & WorldPay. If you have a valid support agreement, this can be downloaded from your customer area or we will install the upgrade for you.

Protx Now SagePay

On the 22nd April Protx was re-branded as SagePay. This modular has now been updated to reflect Protx new re-branding to Sage Pay and to use the new Sage Pay URLs (for a period of 6 months, Sage Pay will be accepting the old Protx URLs as well).


WorldPay re-branding has been delayed until May 2009. We will be releasing this modular in May.

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  Additional Support Packages
Posted by: webnetics - 31-03-09, 04:30 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

From today we are now providing support packages in 6 month and 3 month blocks, in addition to the normal 1 year option. We have done this in response to some customers feeling that they don't need a full year of unlimited updates to there website, but would like a period of extra support for help with their website.

These are available on all Support levels which means that you can now pick up Support Level 3 support for 3 months for a low price of 30 GBP, or get faster Support Level 1 support for 3 months for just 100 GBP.

Full support prices can be found on the 'prices' page on our website. You can also order a support package from the CMS area.

Level 1 Support - Website Management – 3,6,12 months Unlimited updates, additional pages, etc. priority e-mail support. Updates done in 1 business day.

1 Year: 250 GBP
6 Months: 150 GBP
3 Months: 100 GBP

Level 2 Support - Website Management – 3,6,12 months Unlimited updates, additional pages, etc. priority e-mail support. Updates done in 2 business days.

1 Year: 150 GBP
6 Months: 100 GBP
3 Months: 60 GBP

Level 3 Support - Website Management – 3,6,12 months Unlimited updates, additional pages, etc. priority e-mail support. Updates done in 3 - 4 business days.

1 Year: 100 GBP
6 Months: 60 GBP
3 Months: 30 GBP

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