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  eShop PRO XL5 MultiShops v1 - Released
Posted by: webnetics - 31-03-09, 02:47 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

eShop Pro XL5 MultiShops is a major release to our eShop range of eCommerce software, adds a lot of new functionality, and further increases the power of eShop.

We find most online retailers try to serve all customers, all brands and all geographies with a single shop because it has been too difficult and expensive to manage multiple shops.

With eShop PRO XL5 MultiShops, this is no longer the case. You can now manage multiple shops - as many as your business requires - easily and inexpensively. Each eShop can have its own:

· Graphics, look and feel
· Navigation
· Product catalog & pricing
· Promotions
· Shipping options
· Checkout process

Common features such as categories, and products can be shared between shops to reduce setup and duplication.

Regardless of how you design your shops, administrators can manage all there shops for which they are authorised from. A single admin area and where you can work with customers and orders from any shop. You authorised individual users to access all shops or individual shops. So your staff can operate efficiently no matter how many shops you operate.

eShop PRO XL5 MultiShops was designed from the start with several specific architectural and security features to improve performance, simplify administration and optimise resource utilisation:


· All the features of eShop PRO XL5
· Product pricing group
· Product discounting group
· Create additional shops directly from the admin area with minimal involvement
· All shops can run on a single server
· All shops access a single database
· Sharing of catalog information between shops as you wish - each shop can have a
· Unique catalog or offer identical products at different prices etc.
· User permissions down to specific shops or catalogs
· Control all aspects of a shop's configuration including supported currencies, languages, accepted payment methods, taxes, shipping, search and navigation behaviour and more.

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  .TEL Domain Name - Selling for £ 9.99
Posted by: webnetics - 28-03-09, 03:50 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

On March 23rd 2009, the dot-Tel Registry will start taking normal registrations for this new top level domain name. We will be selling this new top level domain name for £ 9.99 for 1 year registration. This price will include all nic fees and VAT.

See our .tel domain name http://www.vwdesigns.tel

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  Server Upgrades
Posted by: webnetics - 07-03-09, 12:23 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - Replies (1)

Customer Hosting Accounts

Saturday 7th March we will be upgrading our servers to the latest PHP 5.2.9. This was released on the 26th February 2009 and is a critical security upgrade and fixes. Sites will be affected by a minimal amount of downtime when Apache restarts after the installation.

Spam Software

ASSP upgrade to 1.5.1


This has been upgraded to 0.2-stable

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  .Tel Domain Name
Posted by: webnetics - 21-02-09, 11:14 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Set to become the industry standard for online communication

Businesses and individuals can now secure their own .Tel domain name at a premium fee of £88 for a 1 year subscription during what is known as the landrush period. With orders being treated on a first come first served basis, those who are serious about protecting their brand are urged to secure their .tel domain as early as possible.

The premium fee charged for the registration of a .tel in the landrush period (3 February - 23 March 2009) is due to the high costs the official .tel registry is charging in an attempt to discourage domain squatters from snapping up hundreds of .Tel domain names for resale purposes.

However, from March 23rd, the next stage of the .tel launch calendar (general availability) will commence and our price will drop to a round £14.95 to £24.00 for a one year registration! So, if you are willing to wait till the general availability period, you will find it tough to find an official .tel registrar offering .tel domain names cheaper.

What is a .tel domain name?

The .tel is a service that allows individuals and businesses alike to store and manage all their contact information and keywords directly in the DNS without the need to build, host or manage a website.

A .tel enables you to store, update and publish all your contact information, web links and keywords directly on the internet under your own unique domain name.

How is a .tel different than a normal domain name?

Before the .tel came around when a person wished to create a web presence they would register a domain name (such as a .com or .co.uk), and attach this domain name to web hosting. Once the content of the website had been created using a particular code such as HTML, the domain name owner would be able to publish their website information live.

With a .tel there is no need for hosting. You simply log-into a control panel and fill in your company or personal details into pre-defined forms. Once you press publish, your company details will be live and accessible on the web.

The .tel is a great way for business owners to create a web presence for their company online in a professional preformatted way. The process doesn’t require a large time commitment or any experience with web design. If you have ever filled out a form online, then you can get a .tel up and running in minutes.

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  Virtual Web Designs has a new makeover
Posted by: webnetics - 10-02-09, 08:47 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Our existing website has been re-designed with a new modem vibrant look, new content, significant layout updates, also incorporating our new Customer Support Management sytem (CMSs). All the contents you see within our website is controled from own in-house contents management system called VrCMS. All pages are writtern in php and then re-writen using our unquie SEO url’s software, this will allow us keep our present page ranking within Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. this will also alow us to increase our page ranking position within all the major search engines..

We have also introduced some new services, from Hosting resellers accounts to our new service called ‘Flash Video Presenter’, this will allow you to have your own personal presenter on your website explaining your products.

We will also be offering our existing eShop PRO owners, the chance to upgrade to our latest eCommerce software called ‘eShop PRO XL5’. For more details please email us.

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  Linux Reseller Hosting Accounts Launched
Posted by: webnetics - 18-01-09, 12:51 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Virtual Web Designs are pleased to announce the launch of our Linux Reseller Hosting accounts.

Providing the flexibility and great features you would expect with Virtual Web Designs, such as unlimited bandwidth and 100gb web space.

All resellers account will have access to cPanel and WHM control panels, also have full access to our Spam filtering system ASSP (We do not use SpamAssassin).

Fully supporting PHP 5, MySQL 5, Perl & Ruby, Resellers will also be able to support their customer's websites with MySQL databases coupled with a wide range of ready built php scripts including Form to email, blogs, CMS, website search and image galleries.

Virtual Web Designs Reseller Package is just £19.99 per month and includes unlimited Linux websites. Linux hosting accounts including log files, graphical web statistics, php5, perl, MySQL 5 database support, secure server (SSL), full email, FTP, sub domains and more.

We will also include discounts for domain names, personal SSL and more.

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  eShop PRO XL5 v1.0 – Released
Posted by: webnetics - 18-01-09, 12:50 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

After months of development to make the most robust and feature-rich eShop system even better, Virtual Web Designs are proud to announce eShop PRO XL5

EShop Pro XL5 is a major update to the eShop range of eCommerce software, and addresses a number of key issues, adds a lot of new functionality, and further increases the power of eShop.

See below for a full list of improvements and additions to eShop PRO.


• Security Issues - SQL injection closed
• Register Globals = OFF
• Now 100% PHP 5, version 5.2.x and MySQL version 5.x.
• Customer Edit Page - Now includes all information fields, including the new "voucher" and "template selection" entries.
• "Free Shipping" logic enhancements
• Admin Home Page content modules
• Admin Session Length control
• Admin Menus - Redesigned
• Admin Language Editor clean-up
• Purchase without and account
• Image Upload into folders
• VVC Configuration (on/off and settings)
• Email Verification (on/off and settings)
• Product Sort enhancement
• Coupon Redemption enhancements
• SMTP mail server abstraction
• Header Brand Manager for shop logo and slogan text
• Admin URL return after login
• Catalog URL return after login
• Price Formatter update (general enhancements)
• Admin Template section and header clean-up
• CMS Manager
• One-Page Checkout
• Newsletter Filter Criteria expanded
• Recover Abandoned Baskets
• Product Info Tabs
• Return Merchandise Authorisation System
• Select Image from your server for products
• Product Listing blurbs
• Quantity Price Break enhancements
• FAQ System
• Article System
• Events System
• Multi Products Manager
• Shop by Price
• Encrypt & Decrypt System
• Google Feed System
• Google Analytics

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  Apache Server Upgrade
Posted by: webnetics - 16-01-09, 03:58 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

At 3:00 am last night we done a schedule update to all our servers, this involved re-compiling the Apache servers to allow us to use the latest LibCurl library.

We would like to apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused

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  Spam Filters - Upgraded
Posted by: webnetics - 13-01-09, 09:50 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

The spam filtering software used at Webnetics UK, ASSP, has been upgraded from version 4.1.1 to version4.2.6 and has introduce some new features.

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  DNS Outage - January 10th 2009
Posted by: webnetics - 12-01-09, 03:14 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

January 10th 2009

We had a DNS outage last night at 2:32 am. Although all of our servers were fully operational, when the DNS service went down, browsers were no longer able to identify our servers from your domain names, and this caused many websites to appear to be off-line. Many of our clients manage their own DNS records, or use an IT company to do it, and their websites continued to be available.

The problem was resolved early on Saturday morning by replacing the DNS server with a new server. All servers were re-started at 6:15 am on Saturday morning.

Technically our network retained 100% uptime last night, but we’re not going to hide behind that. If your website was unavailable last night we are happy to refund one month’s hosting to you. Just let us know. We guarantee 99.9% uptime per month and generally achieve 100%. We believe that as a result of last night’s outage some customers will have 99% uptime this month, and that is not acceptable to us.

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