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  VrCommerce - New Versions (Lite, B2B)
Posted by: webnetics - 13-05-13, 07:25 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

We will also be releasing two new versions of VrCommernce, the first version will be a cut down version VrCommernce PRO, the second version will be a B2B version which will have new features to cater for the B2B user. These will also be release at the end of June / July 2013.

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  VrCommerce PRO V3.0 Beta 1 – Released
Posted by: webnetics - 13-05-13, 07:24 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Virtual Web Designs are proud to announce the next release of VrCommerce PRO v3.0 Beta.

This version will only be available to register members, for testing. Please use our forums to report any bugs, etc.

We are planning to have the final release by the end of June / July 2013.


The following are just a selection of new features & updates, a full list will be given at final release date.

1. Re-designed Admin Area
2. Quotation System
3. Reward Points System
4. Snippets Templating System
5. Extra Admin Tools
6. Supplier System
7. Global Discounts
8. Customer Management
9. Product Subscriptions
10. And much more ….

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  Server Upgraded
Posted by: webnetics - 08-01-13, 07:50 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

Dear Valued Customer,

We apologies for any inconvenience caused, by these server upgrades. The first server upgrade took place last night at 11:53 pm and was bought back online at 8:10 today (8/01/2013).

This affected the server identified as “server.webnetics.net”

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  Important Information - Planned Server Upgrades (January 2013)
Posted by: webnetics - 28-12-12, 02:04 PM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - No Replies

Dear Valued Customer,

We apologies for any inconvenience caused, by these server upgrades. These will take place in January 2013 and there will be a downtime of 3 – 4 hours while the data from the old servers are migrated to the new servers. These upgrades will take place overnight to minimise the effects on customer accounts and there will be no loss of emails, these will be staked while the upgrades take place. This will allow us to expand our other hosting businesses.

We are planning to transfer all customer accounts in three (3) batches

Batch 1 (Non-database websites)
Batch 2 (Database driven websites)
Batch 3 (eCommerce Websites)

We will inform all customers when we planned to do the server upgrades in January 2013.

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  Christmas Opening Times - 2012
Posted by: webnetics - 22-12-12, 08:34 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Our offices will be closing for the Christmas and New Year at 12pm on Monday 24th December 2012, opening again on Wednesday 2nd January 2013 at 6.00am.

Our support services will still be available through the support@vwdesigns.co.uk email address as per usual, through-out the holidays.

However, no support service will be available on the following week days:
Tuesday 25th December 2012 and Tuesday 1st January 2013

We would like to wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you for your support during 2012.

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  Spam Filters
Posted by: webnetics - 10-12-12, 07:41 AM - Forum: Network Status / Server Upgrades - Replies (1)

Dear Valued Customer,

On the 8th December 2012, an automatic upgrade to our spam filters had caused for all emails to be rejected by any sender. Causing no emails to be allowed through, we have be working through the weekend to fix this problem. We have now contacted the software designers and they are working very hard to get a fix for this bug. They are estimating that a fix will be with us by the 12th December 2012.

In the mean time we have disabled the spam filter, so there will be an increase in spam in the next few days.

Please accept our apologies for this.

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  eShop PRO XL6 (rc2) – Released
Posted by: webnetics - 01-12-12, 08:35 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

eShop Pro XL6 is a major update to the eShop range of eCommerce software, and addresses a number of key issues, adds a lot of new functionality, and further increases the power of eShop.

We are pleased to announce the release candidate (RC2) version of eShop XL6. We are planning to upgrade all existing eShop PRO XL5 software from the middle of next week, to the latest versions of eShop PRO XL6.

Bug Fixes and Security Enahancements:

• Customer Service Management System
• Points & Rewards
• Quick Product Updater
• Ultimate SEO URL's
• Order Package Tracking
• Customer Testimonials
• Mainpage Slideshow
• Tabs With Admin
• Margin Reports
• Previous / Next Navigation for Product Pages
• Pretty Photo
• Language Editor has access outside of the language folder
• SEo URL Cache reset update
• CSMM Text update in admin menu
• Add CK Editor to Articles
• SEo URL cache for Reviews
• CDS Categories and Pages Cache
• Add CDS Pages and Categories Fill Tags capability
• Add SEO URL capability for Article Reviews & Article Reviews Info
• Links Categories drop down filter non working
• Cross Sell Articles display issue
• Wish list doesn’t add sub products instead adds the main product
• USPS - First class international shipping not working
• WYSIYG editor missing on newsletter page
• Manual approval of account does not work
• OPC ot module issue
• CDS page.php back button not working
• Additional Product images issue
• popup_tracker.php FedEx tracking issue
• Print invoice language update
• Add CKEditor to Returns Text
• google API call for jQuery needs to be rci
• remove product name from buy now buttons in x-sell
• re-add add to cart button to bottom of product info if subs and multiple add
• Add category parent to seo url's
• Tax calculates on sale Items
• Gift Voucher throws error when Gift voucher total equals order total
• Easy Populate Options Import not working
• Admin Product Attributes titles line breaks
• Fix Paypal IPN
• Incorrect Discount for Sale Items when Tax is Involved
• Admin Product Attributes Titles Missing Line Breaks
• Update SEO Logic for Category URLs
• Easy Populate Options Import Not Working
• Gift Voucher Error When Voucher Total Equals Order Total
• Coupon Admin product View not working
• Sub products not displaying description as blurb
• Credit Card Validation Class is Outdated
• jQuery Pretty Photo main jQuery script call not working
• Customer service - if opened to all users, it breaks the image in the infobox on the front end
• Customer Testimonials Dropdown menu not working when DHTML menu is enabled
• Paypal item total equals £0.00 but shipping charge not accepted
• Admin forgotten password not sending email serial validation problem
• Header Tags Issue
• Move Google Analytics to header update code to new Async
• Express Checkout from shopping Cart page not working (2 parts)
• Paypal Express Checkout error Shipping Address City, State, and Postal Code
• Paypal Website Payment Standard - redirects to paypal account management
• FDMS SQL Issue
• "Add to Cart" functions improperly when using sub-products
• FedEx Web services new module does not support international rates
• Product Slide Show Issues

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  Full PCI Compliance
Posted by: webnetics - 20-10-12, 10:44 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

Virtual Web Designs eCommerce hosting plans provide the most stable, secure and scalable eCommerce hosting solution around today. All our servers has been verify by Trustwave & Secure Metrics.

Our eCommerce hosting plans provide a fully PCI compliant hosting environment for our clients using VrCommerce or eShop PRO websites.

The PCI compliance standards are an open standard covering the best security practices for websites. PCI compliance is particularly important for eCommerce sites and other sites that store confidential data. Full information on the PCI compliance requirements is available on the official PCI compliance site.

Our eCommerce hosting services meet all 12 of the PCI Data Security Standard requirements identified by the PCI Security Standards Council.

Build and Maintain a Secure Network
1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data
2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters

Protect Cardholder Data
3. Protect stored cardholder data
4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks

Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software
6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications

Implement Strong Access Control Measures
7. Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know
8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data

Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
11. Regularly test security systems and processes

Maintain an Information Security Policy
12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security

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  eShop PRO XL6 (RC1) - Released
Posted by: webnetics - 17-07-12, 07:45 AM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

We are pleased to announce the release candidate (RC1) version of eShop PRO XL6 is now available from our client area.

This is pre-release software and is not intended for production use. This RC comes after the beta period but before the final release - it is the final stage of testing prior to the stable release. At this stage we believe all key areas of the system are functioning normally and all reported issues during the beta have been resolved.

If you are testing the release candidate and think you've found a bug, please report it to us either via the dedicated XL6 Beta section on our forums, or directly to us via a support ticket.

Along with this release, we are also making available the full change log for this latest version

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  VrBookings v1.3 - Released
Posted by: webnetics - 10-07-12, 01:18 PM - Forum: Latest News - No Replies

We are delighted to announce the immediate release of VrBookings v1.3

VrBookings is an online booking system for Hotels, Guesthouses or anyone who requires a booking system for their website. The bespoke booking software allows you to start your own online booking system within minutes.

VrBookings has also been designed to simplify the task of online booking and to be incorporated into any website very easily. It also provides users with a unique, intuitive and easy to use interface that improves the way people use the web today.

V1.3 New Features and Bug fixes below

• New - Added sending email after password was changed by admin
• New - Automatically system suggestion on empty search result
• New - Maximum nights per booking to packages
• New - New module FAQ, that allows admin to create/manage FAQs
• New - Possibility to define Room Equipment via Admin Panel : Hotel Management -> Rooms Management -> Edit
• New - Possibility to define whether to show Children Number in rooms via Admin Panel : Hotel Management -> Rooms Settings
• New - Possibility to define whether to show fully booked/unavailable rooms in search
• New - Possibility to define whether to use WYSIWYG editor for Email Templates via General -> Site Settings -> Email Settings
• New - Possibility to export/integrate Reservation Form on other sites: Hotel Management -> Integration
• New - Possibility to send emails via SMTP mailer: General -> Site Settings -> Email Settings
• New - Added possibility to description whether to send email notification for admin on new user registration
• New - Added sending email to customer after approval registration by admin
• New - Check Availability block on room description page
• New - New type of campaigns - 'standard' that allows to define discount for special periods of time in the future
• New - Possibility to check prices on search result page for Available Rooms
• New - Possibility to define 'meal plans' via Bookings -> Settings -> Meal Plans Management
• New - Possibility to define preferred language for customers
• New - Possibility to define week starting day via General Settings -> Datetime & Price Settings
• New - Possibility to download Invoice in PDF format: Bookings -> Bookings Management -> Download Invoice
• New - Possibility to force SSL connection via General -> General Settings "Force SSL"
• New - Possibility to specify whether to send notification email when reservation expired
• New - Roles and Privileges for admin users
• New- Possibility to dynamically add Extras to the total sum of Shopping Cart (without refreshing the page)
• Upgraded - Booking Module - added possibility to define whether to show 'reserved' rooms in search results until booking is complete
• Upgraded - Extras - added language translation for extras items
• Upgraded - Minor changes in Create Account and My Account customer pages
• Upgraded - Minor changes in Email templates
• Upgraded - Rooms Module - added possibility to upload 5 images for each room
• Upgraded - Sending "forgotten password" email - now in customer/admin preferred language
• Upgraded - VAT value allows now to accept 3 digits after decimal point
• Upgraded - Banners Module - added possibility to use HTML in caption text
• Upgraded - Booking emails - added {HOTEL INFO} holder containing info about hotel
• Upgraded - Booking Module - added possibility to define a maximum number of allowed bookings (not complete) per customer
• Upgraded - Booking Module - added possibility to manually [ Clean up ] pending bookings: Bookings -> Bookings Management -> Clean up
• Upgraded - Booking Module - new payment type "Bank Transfer"
• Upgraded - Booking statistics - added possibility to filter data by country
• Upgraded - Credit card payment procedure - added card holder's name field
• Upgraded - Customer notification procedure after placing an order
• Upgraded - Minor changes in Check Availability date selection
• Upgraded - Minor changes in Languages Module
• Upgraded - Minor changes in RSS Module
• Bug - Displaying wrong value of "Initial Fee" in Booking Description and Invoke pages
• Bug - In automatic selection of minimum nights in availability calendar
• Bug - ltr/rtl direction in drawing invoice/booking description for print
• Bug - Number of children wasn't displayed on Reservation Cart page
• Bug - In customer booking cancellation procedure
• Bug: In drawing of local date time for reservation pages
• Bug:- Displaying wrong number of adults/children in reservation cart pages and some emails
• Bug:- In calculation of extras total sum for non-default currencies
• Bug:- In drawing of room availability after the changing of a room count in Rooms Management -> Edit
• Bug:- Wrong check for min/max nights per booking

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